CSCI 135 Online
Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Spring 2016

Montana Tech
Computer Science & Software Engineering


Description: An introduction to problem-solving methods and algorithm development. Stresses programming in a high level programming language with techniques of good programming style.
Instructor: Brian Koontz

This is an online version of our Fundamentals of Computer Science I (CSCI 135) course. In Spring 2016, the course takes place from 1/18 to 5/3. During the course you will be completing series of 10 programming assignments and a final programming project. Your programs will be graded by a teaching assistant employed by our department. The programming assignments are each worth 30 points, the final project is worth 60 points. You will receive a letter grade based on your percentage of points earned on all assignments and the project. Note that this course is not being offered for credit. However, students who successfully complete the course can receive credit for CSCI 135 for a minimal "challenge" fee.

Resources: Textbook Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
Class web page
Assignment submission and grading feedback Via email with the course TA
Software We recommend the freely available Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE). Eclipse is installed on the Museum, Engineering, and Main lab computers. You can also install it on your own computer (see the resources page).
Programming assignments 100%
Staff discretion (participation and extra-credit) ±?%
Late policy: See the assignments page for the late policy regarding assignments. Note: submitting assignments on time is critical for doing well in this course.
Academic honesty: Cheating will not be tolerated and can result in failure of the course. Submitted programs must be entirely your own work. Under no circumstances should you copy another person's code.
Course Outcomes:

Page last updated: January 13, 2016