CSCI 446/546
Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2019

Montana Tech
Computer Science Department


This page lists the information to date on the the paper and presentation projects. Keep checking back for updates.

The semester paper and presentation is to be on a topic that has not been covered in class. Some ideas are listed below, but if you have a topic you would like to explore, talk to me to see if it's appropriate.

Genetic Algorithms
Neural Networks
Decision Trees
Rule Based Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Case Based Reasoning

The paper should be at least 10 pages, double spaced. You may include diagrams and pictures if they help explain the concept, but you will incur a serious loss of points if your paper is primarily pictures.

Presentations should be approximately 35-40 minutes long, plus 10-15 minutes for questions afterwards. The presentation should be based on the topic you chose for your paper. Prior to your presentation, submit your slides to the Moodle dropbox and they will be posted on the schedule.

Presentation DateStudent - Topic
11/15 Dalton Caron - Neural Networks
11/18 Mariia Korol - Natural Language Processing
11/20 Eli Hodges - Genetic Algorithms
11/22 Jacob Vesco - Computer Vision
11/25 Blaine Berrington - AI in Chemistry
12/2 Greg Marlowe - Robotics
12/4 Burak Adam - Moravec's Paradox

Page last updated: June 26, 2020