Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Computer Science & Software Engineering

CSCI 135
Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Fall 2012

Exam information:
Exam #0
Exam #1
Exam #2

Past written exams:
Note in 2011, there was a 2-hour midterm and a 2-hour final. The exams were entirely written with no computer-based programming part. For some of the programming questions, there may be many possible correct solutions.

Fall 2011, midterm [solution]
Fall 2011, final [solution]
Fall 2012, written exam #0 [solution]
Fall 2012, written exam #1 [solution]
Fall 2012, written exam #2 [solution]

Past programming exams:
Currently there are only programming exams from the current course. No solutions will be given for these.

Fall 2012, programming exam #0
Fall 2012, programming exam #1
Fall 2012, programming exam #2

Princeton has a large collection of past programming exams available here. A good way to prepare for the programming portion of the exam would be to complete some of these programming exams in a timed-environment. Note their exams are 50-minutes while ours are 100-minutes and they cover somewhat different material than we do.

Page last updated: December 27, 2012