Montana Tech of The University of Montana

M 121
College Algebra
Fall 2021


This page lists the assignments for the course. All Assignments graded through Cengage will be for extra credit added onto its Unit's Test (up to 10% per test).

0.1 NOT GRADED Getting Started with WebAssign - Mathematics
0.2 NOT GRADED Optional Not Graded Pre-Req Practice
1 1/23 HW1_P.8,1.1
2 1/30 HW2_1.3,1.4
3 2/1 HW3_1.5,1.6

Submission. All assignments will be completed via WebAssign. All assignments will be due at 11pm on the date stated.

Deadline and late policy: No late assignments assignments can be accepted due to answers being posted at the deadline.

Assistance: If you require assistance with any technical WebAssign problems, such as issues with a page loading, contact their support. They generally respond quickly. Then let me know by email.
If you need help with the math, send me an email. If you use a WebAssign internal tool such, as contact your teacher, I may not get the message and will almost definitely not get it quickly. Email is the best way to contact me.


Page last updated: January 29, 2022