Name : 1) Copy the file /home/staff/vertanen/urls.txt to your own directory. Edit the top of the file to point at your IP address and to the your CGI program or script. We will be testing using the siege utility which is installed on katie. Here are the important switches: -c Level of concurrency -i Internet mode, will randomly select URLs from file -t Time limit, you should test for 1 minute for each data point -f File with URLs in it So for the first row of the following table you would do: siege -c 1 -i -t 1m -f urls.txt For fun, you may want to watch the CPU load on your VM using top. Record the average transaction rate and response time. Note any instances where avalability was less than 100%. CGI +-----+-----------+--------------- | c | trans/sec | response time +-----------------+--------------- | 1 | | | 4 | | | 8 | | | 16 | | | 32 | | +-----+-----------+--------------- 2) What language did you develop your CGI program in? 3) Benchmark your Apache module. Be sure to change the top of urls.txt to point to the correct base URL of your Apache module. Apache module +-----+-----------+--------------- | c | trans/sec | response time +-----------------+--------------- | 1 | | | 4 | | | 8 | | | 16 | | | 32 | | +-----+-----------+--------------- 4) Benchmark your PHP version. Be sure to change the top of urls.txt to point to the correct base URL of your PHP script. PHP +-----+-----------+--------------- | c | trans/sec | response time +-----------------+--------------- | 1 | | | 4 | | | 8 | | | 16 | | | 32 | | +-----+-----------+--------------- 5) Describe the technology you used for your final version. 6) Benchmark this version. Be sure to change the top of urls.txt to point to the correct base URL of your final application. +-----+-----------+--------------- | c | trans/sec | esponse time +-----------------+--------------- | 1 | | | 4 | | | 8 | | | 16 | | | 32 | | +-----+-----------+---------------