CSCI 447
Machine Learning
Spring 2019

Montana Technological University
Computer Science & Software Engineering


Algorithm Input Data Output Type Problem Type Benefits Drawbacks
Linear Regression Numeric Numeric continuous Regression / curve fitting / prediction Small, fast, easy simple Assumes residuals fit normal distribution, data are iid, variance constant
Logistic Regression Numeric Categorical Curve fitting / prediction Small, fast, easy simple Assumes data are iid
Clustering Unlabeled anything Categorical / buckets Unsupervised Flexibe; can be used to label data Will always output clusters, but they might not be meaningful; sensitive to initial random placement of centroids; assume some categorization exists
Nearest Neighbor Labeled anything Categorical / labeled Heuristic prediction No learning needed; straightforward Doesn't scale well, curse of dimensionality
Deep Networks Labeled Numeric Prediction - categorical, probability, numeric prediction Supervised, high dimensional Few assumptions; can fit complex anything

Prone to overfitting; doesn't react to change in operation; not as simple to implement (hyperparameters); hard to explain; solution not optimal

Convolutional Networks High dimensional data (images, etc.) Prediction - categorical, probability, numeric prediction Classification; supervised high dimensional Learns important features / preprocessing; don't need to handcraft features Prone to overfitting; doesn't react to change in operation; not as simple to implement (hyperparameters); hard to explain; solution not optimal
Recurrent Networks Sequence data Prediction - categorical, probability, numeric prediction Time/space sensitive No independence assumptions; memory of previous input Prone to overfitting; doesn't react to change in operation; not as simple to implement (hyperparameters); hard to explain; solution not optimal; recurrence difficult to program
Bayesian Networks Mostly categorical, but can be numeric 1) Model, 2) Probabilities for many variable combinations, 3) Conditional independencies Many Generative; easy to understand Could be expensive based on number of variables
Genetic Algorithms Data Optimization / design solutions Optimization / design Generative; doesn't use gradient; novel solutions Very expensive
Decision Trees Labeled anything Prediction / clasification, numeric Simple Easy to build, use, understand Prone to under- and over-fitting

Page last updated: April 08, 2019