Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Computer Science & Software Engineering

CSCI 441
Computer Graphics
Spring 2018


The goal of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with the effects of light and shadows.

Modify the example program for the chapter on shadows (Chapter 8, found on the website ) so that the light position responds to mouse input just like your previous assignment. As you move the light around, find positions that cause some of the shadow errors that we discussed in class. When you find problems with how the shadow is displayed (the more awful, the better), take a screenshot. Turn in the screenshots of problems, and in a header comment on your program, explain why you think the problem(s) occurred with respect to the light.

Submit your screenshot(s), java source code, and GLSL files to the Moodle dropbox for assignment 8. If there are any special requirements for compiling and running your code (such as a specific directory structure), make sure that you specify this in the comments of your code. If there is no special reason (like preserving a directory structure) for zipping your code, please, don't. I use a script to print out assignments for grading, and archive files mess with it.

Page last updated: March 07, 2018