Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Computer Science & Software Engineering

CSCI 441
Computer Graphics
Spring 2018


The goal of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with simple GLSL vertex and fragment shaders and to write a program that will do simple animation.

The second program listing in your textbook, the one we went over in class Wed. (code also found here), is a simple example of drawing a point in the center of the window. In the example, the shaders are coded as strings within the Java code itself. For this assignment, you are to rewrite that program so that the shaders are stored as external text files and read into the program. You are also to animate the point so that it grows and shrinks in a cycle, as per Exercise 2.2 in your textbook.

For this assignment, you do need to turn in the code (unlike the last assignment). Submit your java code and GLSL files to the Moodle dropbox for assignment 2. If there are any special requirements for compiling and running your code (such as a specific directory structure), make sure that you specify this in the comments of your code.

Page last updated: January 16, 2018