Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Computer Science & Software Engineering

CSCI 470
Web Science
Spring 2012

Assignment #5 - Nao command prediction
Due: start of class, Monday 2/27.
This assignment is worth 60 points instead of the normal 30.
You may work in pairs if you wish. Both people will receive the same grade. If you work in pairs, you must practice pair programming where you both work side-by-side on the computer.

You will be building the command portion of a web application that allows web users to control the Nao robot. You will be learn to build a Ajax web application as well as build a MySQL database and interface with it via PHP.

We want a web application that allows people to type in commands to the Nao robot. The application will support automatic suggestions as users type their command (similar to Google suggest). The suggestions will present at the top commands made by the current user (according to a session ID). Below the user's past command appear popular commands made by all users. The application also supports an administrator interface that allows past commands to be deleted.

Part 1: Patching Ubuntu, installing MySQL, enabling in PHP Part 2: Hello MySQL Part 3: Database development

You will need to develop a MySQL database and table to support this application. Database details: Part 4: Admin page
This page allows an administrator to see all past commands and their frequency, delete all commands, delete all commands for a given session ID, or deleted selected commands. For testing purposes, you may want to add functionality so you can add new commands to the database (this is optional and won't be graded).
Admin interface details: Part 5: Command page
The command page consists of a text box in which users can enter commands, a list of the top-10 most popular commands, and a place where the last command made by the current user is shown. The command page links to the admin page. You might want to check out this Ajax Suggest Tutorial.
Command interface details:
Submission. I will be testing your application by logging into your sever, starting Apache and MySQL and then going to your command.php page. Submit your PHP files commandDB.php, command.php, admin.php, any additional PHP files, and command.sql to the Moodle dropbox. The Moodle timestamp is the completion time for the assignment.

Page last updated: August 16, 2012.  Copyright © 2011 by Keith Vertanen.