CSCI 446
Artificial Intelligence
Fall 2018

Montana Tech
Computer Science & Software Engineering

PROJECT 2 - Presentation

For this assignment, students will present the AI topic they selected for their written report earlier in the semester. Like the paper, the presentation should give enough background on the topic that a person not familiar with AI would get an understanding of that particular technology, and a person familiar with AI would be able to write a program using that technology.

Presentations will be scheduled, two per class period, from Nov. 16 - Dec. 7. You must sign up for a date to present. For those not presenting, fair warning, material presented here will be represented on the final exam, so you should continue attending class.

The presentation should be 20 minutes long with an additional 5 minutes allowed for questions. Any materials used (for example, Power Point) should be turned in after the presentation so that I may post it to the website and others can review it for the exam. The standard oral evaluation form found on the department web site will be used to assess the presentations. The link is found toward the bottom of the page at: Standard Oral Evaluation Form
Submission. Submit the electronic version of your presentation slides via Moodle.

Page last updated: August 16, 2019