Code Listings Chapter 6


Listing 6-1 A C++ interface for stacks

/** @file StackInterface.h */
template < class ItemType > class StackInterface

/** Sees whether this stack is empty.
@return True if the stack is empty, or false if not. */
virtual bool isEmpty()const = 0;

/** Adds a new entry to the top of this stack.
@post If the operation was successful, newEntry is at the top of the stack.
@param newEntry The object to be added as a new entry.
@return True if the addition is successful or false if not. */
virtual bool push(const ItemType & newEntry) = 0;

/** Removes the top of this stack.
@post If the operation was successful, the top of the stack
has been removed.
@return True if the removal is successful or false if not. */
virtual bool pop() = 0;

/** Returns the top of this stack.
@pre The stack is not empty.
@post The top of the stack has been returned, and
the stack is unchanged.
@return The top of the stack. */
virtual ItemType peek() const = 0;
}; // end StackInterface




Listing 6-A  Algorithm to Determine Validity of a String in a Language

// Checks the string aString to verify that it is in language L.
// Returns true if aString is in L, false otherwise.
recognizeString (aString:string):boolean
aStack = a new empty stack
// Push the characters that are before the $ (that is, the characters in s) onto the stack
i = 0
ch = character at position i in aString
while (ch is not a '$')
aStack.push (ch) i++ch =
character at position i in aString
// Skip the $
// Match the reverse of s
inLanguage = true // Assume string is in language
while (inLanguage and i < length of aString)
if (!aStack.isEmpty ())
stackTop = aStack.peek () aStack.pop ()
ch = character at position i in aString
if (stackTop equals ch) {
i++ // Characters match
inLanguage = false // Characters do not match (top of stack is not ch )
inLanguage = false // Stack is empty (first half of string is shorter // than second half)
if (inLanguage and aStack.isEmpty ())
aString is in language
aString is not in language


Listing 6-B A Pseudocode Algorithm to Convert an Infix Expression to Postfix

for (each character ch in the infix expression)
switch (ch)
case operand: // Append operand to end of postfix expressionstep 1
postfixExp = postfixExp ch
case '(': // Save '(' on stackstep 2
aStack.push (ch)
case operator: // Process stack operators of greater precedencestep 3
while (!aStack.isEmpty () and aStack.peek () is not a '(' and
precedence (ch) <= precedence (aStack.peek ()))
Append aStack.peek () to the end of postfixExp
aStack.pop ()
aStack.push (ch) // Save the operator
case ')': // Pop stack until matching '(' step 4
while (aStack.peek () is not a '(')
Append aStack.peek () to the end of postfixExp
aStack.pop ()
aStack.pop () // Remove the open parenthesis
// Append to postfixExp the operators remaining in the stackstep 5
while (!aStack.isEmpty ())
Append aStack.peek () to the end of postfixExp
aStack.pop ()