Montana Tech of The University of Montana
Computer Science & Software Engineering

CSCI 466
Fall 2012


In this assignment you will learn to install linux onto a computer. You will learn how to use the packet sniffing tool Wireshark.

Part 1: Install Ubuntu
Each group of two people should install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS onto one of the networking lab machines. Install on one of the computers labeled 466. After installing, test the computer can connect to the Internet. Download and install all recommended software updates.
Part 2: Wireshark
Install the Wireshark packet-sniffing utility. Follow the instructions in this guide. Submit an electronic document containing your answers to the four questions on the last page of the lab. Accepted documents formats are: plain text, Microsoft Word, or PDF.
Submission. Submit your lab writeup via Moodle. You only need to submit one writeup for each lab pair. Be sure to include both your names at the top of the writeup!

Page last updated: December 26, 2012